Quinn’s World
December 6, 2005How does one describe Quinn? His first toy as a child was a claw hammer he called nana. He grew up in a California junkyard with warm hippy love all around him. He never knew what he wanted for Christmas because he was raised without a television. He is a self taught computer genius. He left America, travelled the world, and, thankfully thankfully thankfully, ended up in Paris where he was one of the founders of Kilometer Zero. He juggles five balls and walks very well on stilts. He can go into the Paris sewers and turn the water back on in our squat when police cut the pipes. He bicycled from Paris to Marseille to visit me in October. He is love.
So clearly, anytime I am within six or seven hundred miles of this fellow, I make every effort to visit.
This is his lovely house which has a lemon bush out back.
This is his vicious attack parrot named Boobie who bit my finger and drank my blood.
This is his mother Paulette and his brother Casey
And this is his lovely lovely love Karisha.
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