Jeremy Mercer ❖ Online

Halloween in France

October 24, 2015

So, we’re on Year 3 of a Five Year Plan to make my village the Halloween capital of France. To be honest, I am startled at how well it is going. My love for Halloween has been well-chronicled, but what are the chances that I end up buying a house in a village filled with wonderful people who are utterly eager for a Halloween party? Not only is the Halloween à Saint Maime committee dedicated and awesome, each year the trick-or-treat circuits become more popular and there are new twists added to the party.

Some quick facts :

2013 (Year 1) – 1 Halloween circuit with 30 houses and 45 children participating

2014 (Year 2) – 3 Halloween circuits with 70 houses and 85 children participating plus an Halloween party for families at the community Hall

And for Year 3 in 2015? We’ve launched this awesome website, we’ve found five sponsor who have donated time or material to make the event bigger, and there will be an afternoon trick-or-treat circuit for very young children who may be scared of the dark.

The plans for 2016? Lease two hectares of land and grow 500 pumpkins, 200 to be given free to houses who participate in the trick-or-treat circuits and 300 to be sold to raise funds for the Halloween à Saint Maime association.

Halloween, the unicorn of holidays.

Related Categories: New & Notable.

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photo : Stefan Bladh

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