February 21, 2011Atlantis Books is launching a salvation/renovation campaign using the IndieGogo platform. A cascade of images beautifully narrated by Maria Papagapiou tells most of the story. The rest can be found at the campaign homepage on IndieGoGo.
The bookstore is both a community and a cause worthy of support. Especially if you give any credence to this dire documentary on the future of printed books and brick-and-mortar bookstores put together for CBC’s Ideas program.
Or, if avarice is your thing, I am convinced this project will be a booming success so if you buy one share today for a mere $130 you will be able to sell it for many many hundreds in a few years down the road …
(Atlantis Books also recently launched a small publishing house to try and diversity its revenue. You can read a small piece I wrote for Ode Magazine *here*)
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