Jeremy Mercer ❖ Online

News & Notes

The fans go on strike

After yet another devastating Olympique de Marseille loss (to Arsenal in Champion’s League this time), the fans’ unions have announced they are going on strike and will refuse to cheer at upcoming home games. I am completely opposed. Continue reading →

Guillotine Death Day

This month marks the 30th anniversary of the abolition of the death penalty in France. And, since the media adores a good anniversary, this means there’s been a lot of talk about the case of the last man guillotined. Continue reading →

Odd Kudos From Afar

News has just come that an essay I wrote for Ode Magazine on the value of dissent has been short-listed for an Eddie Award. These prizes are given by Folio each year in recognition of the best editorial content (the Eddies) and the best magazine design (the Ozzies).  Continue reading →

Mimesis and Anti-Memesis All At Once

There’s long been a philosophical question of whether art is more likely to imitate life (mimesis) or life is more likely to imitate art (anti-mimesis). I’ve stumbled upon an illustration that solves the debate for me: the answer is both. Continue reading →

Learning to Watch Sports

I’ve followed sports closely – perhaps too closely – for as long as I can remember. My boyhood was filled with baseball cards and box scores and all things Montreal Expos. Continue reading →

Hens 2.0 – Grape Devastation

When I first brought chickens home to my garden, I was amazed at their voracious consumption of all things green and fruity. They devoured fallen figs, radish leaves, and tomato plants. Continue reading →

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photo : Stefan Bladh

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